Friday, September 12, 2014

Leg Excercises with Resistance Bands.

Leg Excercises with Resistance Bands.

So we've looked into bands and their efficacy in a previous post, but now that you have them, how do you use them?

As a Trainer I try to encourage my clients to target their entire body, this is why I tend to break things up into a three day split. Legs will be performed on day 1, then a push day on day 2. The third day is a pull day and in three evenly spaced days we have worked the entire body.

This post will discuss leg day, and it's importance.

Day One: Legs. Legs are the most under trained muscle group there is. Why? Because training legs is difficult, and it takes a whole lot out of you. As an added bonus (sic) if trained properly you probably aren't going to enjoy going up stairs, or walking around for a couple of days.

For the ladies out there, I cannot stress the importance of leg training for functionality, looks, and comfort in your day to day life. Women tend to be lower body dominant, which means that there legs and butt will respond faster to training than a mans would.

For the guys, leg training will compliment your physique overall. If you work a physical job, trust me when I tell you that even though training legs isn't much fun, it will make a huge difference at work.

But if you don't have a squat rack, or a leg press station; how are you supposed to get any leg work done at home?

For beginners I'd recommend Body Squats. If you've ever had knee trouble, I'd suggest you use some ACE Bandages and wrap both knees before your workout. Body squats are performed with your head up, chest out. You lower your body down to as far as you're comfortable with, and, pushing through your heels lift yourself back up to the starting position.

In the image above, you can see a Woman using Resistance Bands to add some difficulty to her squat. When you get to the point where you can do 5 sets of 8-12 reps with your body weight and not feel sore the next couple of days, you're ready to add resistance.

Keep in mind that you can use light, medium and heavy bands to add resistance depending on your strength level. As a matter of fact, you can use light, medium and heavy bands at the same time if you're strong enough.

Another exercise in this category is a floor bridge, or hip thrust. This exercise specifically targets the Hamstrings and Glutes and is mandatory for anyone who wants to bring their butt to the next level. To begin, you will lie on the floor with your knees bent and feet in front of you. You will thrust your hips upward and squeeze at the top.

Hip thrust are an absolutely killer finisher for a leg day. As with the squats, once body weight is no longer enough to get the job done, resistance can be added in the manner shown in the picture above. I would recommend at least 3 sets of 8-12 reps to finish a leg workout.

Even though it can suck, leg day is very important for a person interested in a good physique, and further for overall functionality. Make sure to protect your knees, because nobody wants a knee injury. If done once a week, leg day will really bring a body to the next level.

More on legs in a further article.


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