Thursday, October 9, 2014

A Successful Mindset.

Whether you're trying to lose a few pounds, or win a Gold Medal you're working towards a goal.

The road to success is littered with the tombstones of those who began down the same road that you're on, and gave up. One week in there are only a few tombstones, One month in there are even more.

This should inspire you, because you got further than these people. But even so, you're not looking to get further than anyone, you're looking to finish.

When I got into Fitness, I had a simple goal; Work until I'm not so scrawny. I remember starting out, doing a bunch of bicep curls and push-ups with no particular routine. I was pretty astounded how quickly results came. My body was rewarding me for finally using it.

A few months down the road and the results started to slow; the wear and tear and the grind started to set in and I was starting to think about giving up. 

Then I stopped and thought about a guy by the name of Thomas Edison.

In School, young Thomas Edison couldn't excel. By the time the rest of his peers were reading, Thomas was learning to speak. By the time his peers could read and write, he was still trying to read.

This slow progress ended up in his eventual removal from School, his Teacher couldn't have this kid slowing down the betterment of his peers.

Sent home, and not going to School anymore, Edison's Parents sent him off to work. Bad idea, he was fired time and time again.

When Edison turned 21, something changed. He figured out what he wanted to do, and began working tirelessly to do it. He could always fix things, but in addition to fixing them, he was interested in making them better.

After more than 1,000 attempts at making a Light Bulb, in 1879, at the age of 32, the bulb finally lit.

If you're after a fit and healthy body that sets you apart from the average person, I promise you that it isn't going to be easy. Promises of getting fit and losing a ton of weight fast, or without any effort are just lies and scams.

You're going to fall on your ass time in and time out, but if you persist and bounce back up when others quit, you'll accomplish what they didn't, and get further they ever will.

Second by second, you're losing the opportunity to become the person you want to be. Don't waste time being discouraged, stay on your grind and work until you accomplish your goals.


Spread the word and make money at home by starting a fitness website. Hosting and Domains by Hostgator, use code BANDWAVE01

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Exercises For Stability.

No matter your Age, Weight or Gender; stability is important. The ability to stay balanced, and prevent falls is perhaps the most important way to stay out of The Emergency Room.

For the purposes of this post, I'm going to focus specifically on stability and balance exercises for Seniors.

This topic hits close to home for me. My Grandfather took a nasty fall recently, and I need to make sure

Perhaps you're a Senior who doesn't think these types of Exercises are necessary for you, let's examine some statistics:

  • Nearly one third of the Elder population over the age of 65 takes a fall every year. The risk of falls increases with age. At 80 years, over half of seniors fall annually.

  • As frightening as these statistics are, the true number is unknown since many falls are unreported by Seniors and not recognized by family or hired help.

  • Frequent falling. Those who fall are two to three times more likely to fall again. 
  • About half (53%) of the older adults who are discharged for fall-related hip fractures will experience another fall with in six months.

Alright, so enough with the depressing statistics, let's get down to brass tacks and start working to prevent this problem entirely.

Weight Shifts: This Exercise is basic in principle, but (as you'll find out) is more difficult than it looks. Begin from a standing position, feet shoulder width apart. Lift your left leg off of the ground and out to your side a few inches. Hold this position for as long as you're comfortable but not more than 30 seconds, return to position A and switch to your opposite leg. For added safety, this exercise can be performed with your hand on a wall or counter top to brace yourself. Perform for 2-3 sets with each leg.

Sit to Stand: Another exercise that is basic in principle, the Sit to Stand movement works the Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Abdominals and a ton of other muscles that are key in fall prevention. It is wise to start this exercise with a chair that has arm rests on the side for assistance, choose a chair that has a seat that is about the same height as your knees. Perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps. Important note: Those who have knee injuries of any sort should wrap their knees with ACE Bandages prior to performing this movement.

Unstable Upper-Body Exercises: Stability exercises don't have to be lower-body dominant. If traditional upper-body exercises are performed while standing on an unstable surface like a pillow, we can kill two birds with one stone. If standing on a pillow is too easy, you can progress to standing on 1 leg, switching legs between sets.

Curl to Press: This exercise works the Biceps, Triceps and Deltoids (shoulders). Standing on a pillow (near a wall if necessary), feet shoulder width apart begin in the first position shown above. Curl the weight to the second position, rotate your palms outward and press overhead. Lower the weight down in reverse and repeat. Choose a weight suitable for 8 reps, if you can do 12 reps easily, I'd recommend using more weight. Perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.

Lateral Raises: This exercise is excellent for shoulder strength and targets the Front, Middle and Rear Deltoids in addition to the Trapezius. Lateral raises can be performed with Dumbbells, Resistance Bands or even wrist weights. Begin on 1 leg, with your arms at your side. Raise your arms out and up until you reach the position shown in the picture. Be careful not to use too much resistance, just a little will get the job done. It should be stressed to avoid this movement if you have any shoulder injuries. Perform 2-4 sets of 8-12 reps.

A final consideration to make is that even simple things like walking more often, wearing flat bottomed shoes, and paying close consideration to your environment can make a big difference in avoiding falls.

In a subsequent article we'll discuss more advanced movements involving stability balls, and Yoga.


Thursday, October 2, 2014

I love this. 

I feel like we don't pay enough attention to Health and Fitness as a Society. These are things that we have total control over, and things that aren't nearly as complex as some of the ramifications of neglecting them.

Instead, in America, obesity-related deaths are as common as death from cigarettes. Across the Western World the story is just about the same. But we're content to pay a Doctor when we finally meet the consequences of our actions face-to-face.

Let's all eat clean, sleep well and use our Bodies as they were intended to be used. 

Life is more enjoyable this way, and we can avoid the Sickness, and the Bill.
